Microenterprise/Start-up Support (Rates)

Microenterprise/Start-up Support (Rates)

In order to encourage new micro-enterprise, the following graduated “rates holiday” for up to three years is available.

Where previously vacant enterprise space, is made available to, and occupied by, a new micro-enterprise, (less than 10 employees), the rates payable will be supported by the LEO subject to the terms below:

  • 75% of the rates bill in the first year of occupation
  • 50% of the rates bill in the second year of occupation
  • 25% of the rates bill in the third year of occupation

• Details must be provided, and LEO must approve, of the business nature of the microenterprise.

 • The new enterprise must be in continuous occupation of, and trading from, the premises for the full two-year period.

Only businesses occupying their first premises can be considered for support under Microenterprise/Start-up Support (Rates) . This is subject to the condition that the applicant has either paid the balance of rates owing by year end or is actively complying with an agreed payment plan approved by the Council’s Finance Department.